Tuesday 29 December 2015

Life in 2015

I felt the need to do a little life update as I'm getting better at dealing with my feelings. This year has been one of the most difficult years it could ever of been. 
The year started out real crappy panic attack after panic attack. I thought at the time that it was never going to get better, but it did. From May onwards, I had lots of things to look forward to. I decided to run for a position on a committee to try and get over my social anxiety, up to know its turned out pretty well, my best friend was coming at the end of may even though at end of may it was the start of exam season I was the best I'd been for a while. I had my friends that were there for me and the exams when quite well! It couldn't go wrong from there. Straight after the exams I had something to look forward to. Interrailing. I was a bit nervous as I had no control over what was going to happen as all I knew was where it started and where it finished. The part I had control over was organised, hostels were booked and return flights were also. The rest I'd know upon arriving in Brussels. The two other people that we got teamed up with are two of the nicest people in the world and we couldn't be luckier. It turned out to be the best experience ever! I built a friendship with someone that I now consider a very close friend and made two amazing new friends. After that it was summer break, almost three months of doing nothing. We went to Malta on holiday and had an absolutely amazing time in the hot weather! Then in September it was back to reality. Job hunting and Uni prep. This is where I almost lost it again. I found someone new to blame everything on, I just wanted to give up. My friends that were there for me in the early stages and got me through first year were away on their year abroad and I really didn't want to tell anyone else about it but you know what the best thing I did was talk to someone about it, well two people. I was being overly controlling getting into the old habits again. They made me let go and get through it gave me the courage to get through it and get on with life without blaming another person for what was happening to me. I made the person that I was blaming hate me and the chances are she probably still does but I'm doing my best. It was just a month of mental breakdowns one after the other, and that was only the first 4 weeks of term and my chances of succeeding that year were basically done. But I was picked up and kicked into touch and got past the break downs to a normal place! Challenges came along again with group job interviews, then individual job interviews and then being offered a job! I was ecstatic. The same day I had the job offer I had a concert to go to alone! I did it I went alone a survived! Then November went by with nothing really until the end where I started work! At first I thought that I was never going to get into the job and that I wouldn't be good at it but it turns out I wasn't alone! Loads of us were new, the christmas rush came and I did it without being overwhelmed, not even in the slightest. I've met some amazing people that in a short amount of time have, well, become friends. Now here we are, christmas has come and gone and I'm writing a life update on how I am. I've managed to cut out people from my life that weren't needed and managed (tried) to keep in contact with people that are close to me. I don't normally keep in contact with people very well but I'm doing my best if i lose contact with you don't take it personally. It's not you it's me literally. 
But other than that I'm doing quite well no break downs, staying calm and rebuilding bridges with people. 
and thats my year in review. 

Sunday 25 January 2015


I've been "encouraged" to write how i feel what I'm going through and what I feel and when i feel it. i won't write on here often but i might do updates every now and again just like a general newsletter on my life

I have only just realised how anxious and insecure I really am.
I am not just saying that just to be like "oh look how insecure I am, ohh I have anxiety"
I do have anxiety, it is just some times that I feel anxious that is it. I'm insecure and don't know what to do. So I'm gonna write how i feel when i feel it.
Right now i feel insecure and ridiculous.  I didn't realise this until last night when I went out to celebrate my birthday! (Whhooo 19!!😘) when we were having pre drinks at one of my friends flat mates wanted to take "selfies" (oh god I hate that word!) and so I agreed and she was like oh yeah that one is good and I was just like really no it isn't. Because to tell the truth I just don't like the way I look! After years of being bullied about the way I look. I have absolutely no self esteem! Years of being put down time and time again well that is what happens. It took me a few drinks and a game of never have I ever to loosen up a bit. Telling people that aren't really friends that in fact I had only just met one of them, secrets that I have only told 5 people, one of them being my best friend and my 4 friends from uni (Yep a grand total of 4) I realised that there is nothing to be scared of. People that aren't petite, just like myself just go all out and wear the tightest clothes that make them look worse then me. Yet they are possibly so pissed that they don't reall care. And yet I am there being all awkward and feeling stupid.
I learned that you just need to be yourself and not care and be better than you think you are. Even if at times people judge you just ignore them and carry on. I need to listen to my own words and do it. But being bullied really kills all motivation .

To start doing this I am going to share this on my Twitter for my huge 246 followers to see I will be amazed if any one sees this but some one will. 

Lucie, taking her own advice. 😘